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Lash Lift at Dermabeauty Medical Spa Just $49! Rated 5-Stars on Yelp and Google Reviews!

Lash Lift at Dermabeauty Medical Spa Just $49! Rated 5-Stars on Yelp and Google Reviews!

Dermabeauty Medical Spa

Conejo Deals Price

true Savings:$61.00
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What's the catch

  • Promo value expires on 6/15/25
  • No cash back
  • Can’t combine with other discounts/offers
  • Appointment required
  • Failure to give 24-hours notice of appointment cancellation may result in forfeiture of certificate
  • Max one certificate per person

Deal Features

  • Exceptional Medi Spa rated 5 stars on Google and Yelp
  • Lash lift curls and enhances lashes…go mascara free!
  • Light lashes? Add a tint!
  • Effect lasts approximately six-eight weeks

About this Deal

We fluttered our lashes when our friends at 5-star rated Dermabeauty offered to do lash lifts for our members at an eye-popping price! For just $49, you can ditch your mascara and lash curler and wake up every day with (your own!) beautiful, long lashes.


What is a lash lift? Think of it as a perm for your lashes that gives them the effect of an eyelash curler, but 24/7. And for those of you with light lashes, Dermabeauty will add a dramatic tint for just $20!


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Wendy and Rob

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