What's the catch
- Promo value expires on 5/1/25
- No cash back
- Can’t combine with other discounts/offers
- Appointment required; appointments available Tuesday-Friday
- Failure to give 24-hours notice of appointment cancellation may result in forfeiture of certificate
- May purchase one of each option and additional as gifts
Deal Features
- Conveniently located inside Salon Republic in The Oaks Mall
- Want all three options? No problem!
- Great selection!
- Cool “no clasp” look!
- Bracelet material options are sterling and 14-ct. gold-filled
- Allow approximately 20-30 minutes to design your jewelry and have it attached
- Appointments available Tuesday-Friday
About this Deal
We are just mad over today’s amazing deal with Mad Glamour Cosmetics! Get TWO permanent bracelets, TWO permanent anklets, or onepermanent necklace for just $69! Plus, Mad Glamour Cosmetics is throwing in a $15 gift card which can be used for any additional pieces!
Permanent jewelry allows every jewelry lover to be their own jewelry designer! Simply select your favorite sterling, 14-ct. gold filled chain, or rose gold-filled chain from the bar, and the jewelry technician will link the two ends together….no clasp. (Of course, if the bracelet needs to come off in the future, that’s not a problem!)
You can do this alone, with a friend or child, or even a small group!
To make sure that everyone gets one-on-one attention, this deal is by appointment only.
Thank you for continuing to spread the word about Conejo Deals,
Wendy and Rob
P.S. This also makes a fun GALentine’s Day activity!