What's the catch
- Promo value expires on 12/1/24
- No cash back
- Can’t combine with other discounts/offers
- Appointment required
- Failure to give 24-hours notice of appointment cancellation may result in forfeiture of certificate.
- May purchase up to ten certificates per person
Deal Features
- Cryotherapy has numerous benefits including:
- Improves metabolism
- Decreases inflammation
- Speeds muscle recovery (a favorite of pro athletes)
- Longevity expert Dr. Peter Attia notes cold exposure may contribute to longevity
- Boosts mood and energy
About this Deal
If you have done cryotherapy in the past, then you have no doubt already clicked on the Conejo Deals “buy now” button to take advantage of today’s “cool” deal: one session for only $25 or a series of three for $64!
For the uninitiated, whole-body cryotherapy exposes the body to three-minutes of extremely cold temperatures to activate natural cell regeneration abilities. Cryotherapy increases metabolism, rids the body of metabolic waste and toxins, boosts collagen, decreases inflammation, reduces pain, fatigue and even supports weight loss.
Speaking from personal experience, while what happens on the cellular level is reason enough to regularly experience cryotherapy, I find that cryotherapy also boosts my energy and eviscerates my brain fog. (Many others have noted this same effect which is no doubt why some therapists recommend adding cryotherapy to treatment for depression or anxiety.) Plus, after having tried both ice plunges and cryotherapy, I find cryotherapy much easier to tolerate.
Tan LA, rated 5-stars on Yelp, will provide everything that you need to chill safely.
Thank you for continuing to spread the word about Conejo Deals,
Wendy and Rob