What's the catch
- Promo value expires on 11/29/24
- No cash back
- Can’t combine with other discounts/offers
- Valid for four consecutive weeks of classes change to: Valid for four consecutive weeks of classes; classes begin in September and continue through the end of the year.
- To enroll, purchase your Conejo Deal then call (818) 877-6313 with your Conejo Deals order # to schedule your first class
- Max one per person
- No certificate sharing; each person must have their own certificate
- New customers only
Deal Features
- Includes all materials!
- Rated 4.7 on Yelp!
- Classes for ages 4-6 and ages 7-10
- Schedule:
- Tuesdays 3:15-4:00 (ages 4-6)
- Tuesdays 4:30-5:15 (ages 4-6)
- Saturdays 10:00-11:00 (ages 5-9)
- Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 (ages 7-10)
- Fridays 3:30-4:30 (ages 7-10)
- Saturdays 12:00-1:00 (ages 7-10)
About this Deal
We sculpted an incredible deal at The Arterie! For just $48, your young Rodin will get to experience multiple disciplines including Painting, Drawing, Collage, and even Sculpting!
What we love about The Arterie (rated 4.7 on Yelp!) is that they offer multiple classes a week including a Saturday option and that there instructors are experts at bringing out the artist in everyone!
But don’t wait! We have only 50 discounted certificates to sell at this Conejo Deals only price.
Thank you for continuing to spread the word about Conejo Deals,
Wendy and Rob