What's the catch
- Promo value expires on 11/15/24
- No cash back
- Can’t combine with other discounts/offers
- Appointment required
- Failure to give 24-hours notice of appointment cancellation may result in forfeiture of certificate
- Gratuity appreciated
- Appointments available Mondays, Saturdays, Sundays and other days upon request
- One certificate per person
Deal Features
- Expert manicurist
- Select one of three options:
- $19 for Gel Manicure +$10 gift card ($40 value)
- $48 for GelX Manicure + $10 gift card and nail art for one nail ($115 value)
- $35 Acrylic Full Set + $10 gift card ($75 value)
About this Deal
We nailed today’s deal! For just $19, get a gel manicure by manicurist extraordinaire Danielle at Born Vogue Salon. Or if your nails are length-challenged, get a GelX manicure which includes the application of gel tips for only $48! This option also includes nail art on one nail of your choice.
And for those of you who are die hard”-I’m not giving up my acrylics!”-enthusiasts, we filed away a deal for you too. Get a full set of acrylics for just $35!
Need a weekend appointment? No problem! Danielle has availability on both Saturdays AND Sundays!
Plus, Danielle is throwing in a $10 gift card that you can use for a return visit!
Thank you for continuing to spread the word about Conejo Deals,
Wendy and Rob