What's the catch
- Promo value expires on 12/31/24
- No cash back
- Can’t combine with other discounts/offers
- Appointment required
- Failure to give 24-hours notice of appointment cancellation may result in forfeiture of certificate.
- May purchase up to ten certificates per person
Deal Features
- A Cryotherapy Facial is a fast, non-invasive, pain-free treatment that encourages younger looking skin
- Vaporized liquid nitrogen is circulated on face and neck
- Oxygenates dermal cells
- Encourages collagen production
- Shrinks appearance of pores and reduces fine lines
- Recommended to get 3-5 treatments the first two weeks and then maintenance 2 times a month
About this Deal
Looking for “cool” a treatment to turn back the skin clock that is quick, relaxing, and ridiculously affordable? Look no further because we have just the thing: the anti-aging Cryotherapy Facial at Tan LA. (For a sneak peek at this unique treatment, check out youtube for relevant videos.)
What we love about the Cryotherapy Facial is that it is quick-the entire treatment typically takes 15 minutes max and includes face and neck-but shrinks the appearance of pores immediately leaving the skin smooth and vibrant. Three-five sessions are recommended in the first two-week period to jumpstart collagen production and oxygenate dermal cells, and then monthly follow-up visits to maintain the effect.
Of course, we froze the retail price to bring you a Conejo Deals only deal…get one session for just $29 or a series of three for $75. Each Conejo Deals member may purchase up to ten certificates for personal use.
Thank you for continuing to spread the word about Conejo Deals,
Wendy and Rob
P.S. Tan LA is a Conejo Deals favorite and they are rated 5-stars on Yelp!