What's the catch
- Promo value expires on 11/15/24
- No cash back
- Can’t combine with other discounts/offers
- Appointment required
- Failure to give 24-hours notice of appointment cancellation may result in forfeiture of certificate
- Ages 11 and up
- Wear bathing suit and rash card if you tend to get cold; bring towel and water.
- Boarders must weigh 210 lbs. or less
Deal Features
- Fun summer activity!
- Learn to Stand-up Paddleboard or improve your skills
- All equipment included!
- Great family or couple activity!
- Includes 90-minute “tour” of Malibu coastline with experienced guide
- Open 7 days a week!
- Great for increasing core strength.
About this Deal
What’s SUP with today’s deal? Oh, just an opportunity to paddle board with an awesome guide along our beautiful Malibu coastline at a price that won’t soak your wallet!
Our friends at Hana Paddleboards are sooo excited about taking you stand-up paddleboarding that they are not only throwing in the rentals but are giving CD members an exclusive discount! Plus, Hana Paddleboards will take tons of pic of you in action and send you five high-res images for unlimited personal use!
Why does it seem like EVERYONE is paddleboarding? Some say it is because it is easy to learn; others say because it is a great core workout. We think that is it because it is just plain fun!
Thank you for continuing to spread the word about Conejo Deals,
Wendy and Rob